Lux Mundi
Lux Mundi draws on the notion of light as manifestation.
From a distance, a floating ethereal form appears to float effortlessly in suspension. As the viewer approaches, moves under and around the piece, its structure and form become clearer. Despite this underlying order, there is an illusion of movement as glimpses of a seemingly spherical light from projected video follows the viewer around the space. Parallax contorts the structure, shapeshifting it into many different versions of itself as the viewer moves around the space. This highlights the notion of observation and position being central to our perception of the environment.
Through the organic vs structured nature of Lux Mundi, coupled with the multiple ways of viewing, the installation highlights the duality of light. Elusive but illuminating, quantifiable yet magical.
Lux Mundi - Steel microcable, video projection, 65km of nylon monofilament.
Commissioned by The Bowes Museum