I ventured down to the Salisbury Arts Centre on a glorious autumnal day yesterday to install 'Ice' as part of the Salisbury Ceramics Open. The private view is this thursday from 6pm. It would be great to see you there but in the meantime here are some behind the scenes photos from the installation. What an amazing venue. For more details click here.
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Glass House
Here is the full glass house, designed by the Italian company Santambrogio with designer Ennio Arosio. Work on transparency also for furniture: bed, table and bathroom are composed entirely of glass.
‘Ice’ was the piece in my last show in Birmingham. There is another one planned for this winter with some of the same group of very talented artists, as well as some fresh faces. Keep your eyes peeled for more info.
Photgraph by Stuart Beesley http://stuartbeesley.co.uk/