I ventured down to the Salisbury Arts Centre on a glorious autumnal day yesterday to install 'Ice' as part of the Salisbury Ceramics Open. The private view is this thursday from 6pm. It would be great to see you there but in the meantime here are some behind the scenes photos from the installation. What an amazing venue. For more details click here.
Contemplation of Landscape
An afternoon full of contemplation and the restorative powers of the landscape as a meditative tool...... One of the most relaxing applications in recents weeks. Thinking, feeling and writing while revisiting 'The Breath Beneath'.
It’s going to take me months to sift through the footage I have of #Iceland. Everywhere you look there’s something beautiful and intriguing. #ice #snow #water #landscape #art #video
Just hours left to get one of these juicy #photos of #ice for free when you pledge £30 or more @indiegogo http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/artist-residency-in-Iceland/x/7324897 #prints of #drawings are also on offer. #art #photography #iceland #residency #heima #sculpture #science
One of many #photographic #ice #prints available @indiegogo here http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/artist-residency-in-Iceland/x/7324897 when you sign up as an ‘ice core intern’ on my #artistic #expedition to #iceland . #art #landscape #residency #science #sculpture
Time to absorb my #ice #photograph after a very hot day in the #gallery. Available here very soon. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/artist-residency-in-Iceland/x/7324897 #art #sculpture #science #residency #indiegogo #iceland #fireandice #blackandwhite
…and there’s more where that came from. On the #gallery section here: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/artist-residency-in-Iceland/x/7324897 join the team. #ice #art #sculpture #photography #iceland #indiegogo #residency #fireandice #science
One of many new #ice #photographs soon to be available at my #indiegogo campaign. Check out the gallery. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/artist-residency-in-Iceland/x/7324897 #art #science #iceland #residency #sculpture
New video uploaded to the #expedition campaign. Check it out. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/artist-residency-in-Iceland/x/7324897 #art #sculpture #science #residency #refraction #light #prism #iceland #indiegogo #ice
The #fire and #ice #expedition needs your help to dish out the rations. Join our team. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/artist-residency-in-Iceland/x/7324897 #art #science #sculpture #iceland #indiegogo #residency
Cold weather can create some wild fluid dynamics, so pay attention to your local rivers and waterfalls during the next cold snap. The video above comes from North Dakota where a combination of cold dense air and a stable river eddy created a spinning ice disk, roughly 16 meters in diameter. The disk forms as a collection of ice chunks—not one solid, spinning piece—because the ice formed gradually. As ice pieces form, they get caught in the river eddy and begin to spin as part of the disk, rather like dust and ice do in the rings of Saturn. Such formations are rare but not unheard of; here’s a video showing a similar disk as it grows. (Video credit: G. Loegering; via Yahoo and io9; submitted by Simon H and John C)
Snowflakes by Alexey Kljatov. Source: Flickr
(via Photographer Tapes a $50 Lens To His P&S Camera To Take Stunning Macro Snowflake Photos | DeMilked)
Vertical Emptiness by Yasuaki Onishi
Don’t look up.
Artist Simon Beck must really love the cold weather! Along the frozen lakes of Savoie, France, he spends days plodding through the snow in raquettes (snowshoes), creating these sensational patterns of snow art. Working for 5-9 hours a day, each final piece is typically the size of three soccer fields! The geometric forms range in mathematical patterns and shapes that create stunning, sometimes 3D, designs when viewed from higher levels.
‘Ice’ was the piece in my last show in Birmingham. There is another one planned for this winter with some of the same group of very talented artists, as well as some fresh faces. Keep your eyes peeled for more info.
Photgraph by Stuart Beesley http://stuartbeesley.co.uk/